Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions. - Pema Chordron

Build a world that you will love to live in. Your love story begins with you.

Find that place inside of you that connects to happiness.
Who We Are
More About Inner Connect
We are Registered Theraputic Counsellors that will help you gain momentum to overcome any areas you may currently be struggling with.
It is our desire to support you and to build a strong theraputic alliance. Offering a warm welcome, we will help you explore the connection between your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Self awareness is the key to better manage any situation.
Registered Counsellor designation (RTC) with the Association of Cooperative Therapists of Canada
Client-centered, experiential counsellors who take an integrative approach to anxiety, stress, grief and loss, couples issues, and anger.
We believe you have all the answers inside of you, you just have to get the keys to unlock them.
Breathwork Therapy
Connecting to breath can be a healing process. Build new patterns and healing modules.
Self-Compassion Therapy
One of the greatest healing steps you can take in the start of your therapy.
Mindfulness and Hakomi Therapy
It helps you discover the patterns and stabilizes new habits around new convictions.
Family Systems Therapy
How the family impacts who you are today.
Angella Cottreau has been my advisor and confidante for over 30 years. She has helped me to manage some of life's most difficult moments. Through divorce, single motherhood, unhealthy relationships, and self doubt, Angella has always been there to support me. Through Angella's care and guidance, I am now better able to navigate the trials of life with strength and confidence. Angella has a talent for gently and patiently leading those who are "stuck" to discover their own way through a situation. Her calm, positive demeanour and comforting smile provides re-assurance and a safe place to land while facing tough times. She is grounded and loving and provides a sensible ear while grappling with complicated decisions. Angella has a natural ability to connect with people and intuitively senses their needs and their emotions. These abilities serve her extremely well as she counsels and guides people through some very difficult times. Most of all, she instills trust in one's own abilities to manage life's circumstances. It has been my great privilege to know Angella and to be privy to her wise counsel and caring spirit for so many years. Thank you Angela for your contributions to my well-being and to my sucess in life. I have been truly blessed.
I have worked with other therapists in the past where I felt I was told what I should be doing, which added more confusion for me because the advice given was not alway in line with my values or what I wanted to do. I really appreciate Angela’s heart centred, spiritual approach and her ability to ask you the right questions to help you dig deep. She doesn’t tell you what to do . She listens and helps you understand what is going on for you. I have had many break throughs with Angella and her messages at the end of each session are always on point and exactly what I need to hear. I highly recommend working with Angella to help you handle your life’s journey with ease and grace
I reached out to Angella just over a year ago as I knew I wasn't 100% mentally or emotionally. Anxiety and stress really hindered my life from as far back as I can remember. Negative self talk and past trauma made it difficult for me to accomplish goals and live a life that makes me happy and feeling fulfilled. Angella gave me a safe place to work and talk through problems and offered me a new perspective which has helped me in my everyday life. Instead of facing life with fear and worry, the tools Angella provided has taught me to connect with myself and move towards life goals with more optimism and confidence. Connecting with and understanding my own feelings and emotions was always foreign to me, today I accept them because it's just part of who I am.

Inner Connect is everything you need to create an fullfilled life!
2-2402 St. Johns St. Port Moody, BC V3H 1B1
Working Days/Hours (appt only)
Mon - Sun / 9:30AM - 8:00PM